Prayer of a Student Teacher/Personal Education Philosophy

Almighty Father, I entrust my life to you.
Thank you for everything.
Let me just be what they need,
Give me strength to take it all.

If they need someone to lean on, let me be their shoulders.
If they are doubtful, let me be that someone to trust to.
It they need guidance, let me be their guide.
If they want to be loved and feel love, let me be.

When I look at them, give me the eyes that full of sincerity
When I stand before them, give me the knowledge, wisdom and love that they need.
Let me guide them and give me strong to hold into them.

Help me Lord in teaching them.  May you permit us the learning they need.
Almighty Father, you are the light, please shine on us.
May everyday be a blessing and fruitful journey to us.
Let the lessons be their shelter and comfort them the truth.

Help me Oh Lord, You are all I need.
Teach me for I will be able to teach them.



“Every child is unique on their own way”. This is what I always believe in.  They are individuals who need care, love and support to grow holistically. We cannot define a child by just merely looking at them. We needed to help them grow physically, mentally and emotionally. By helping the students to create a heart with a deep love and understanding toward others is the best thing we can do. We can serve as their eyes to see the future that belongs to them. We can serve as their hands to hold the future. And time would come, they will stand alone to face the cruelty of the world and turn it into paradise.
It is my honor as an educator to be an individual who will be able to change the future. The future that is in the hands of every student I am handling. It may sound ridicule but I know it makes sense. For I believe that every student has the potential and talent to make the world better.
As an educator, I will help them see the beauty of dreaming.  As well as turning that dream into reality. My role as their teacher is to provide them guidance in their decision making. I won’t control them but I will make them realize that every decision should be beneficial not only to their self but also to other members of community.

This profession is not easy as it seemed to be. It needs a lot of patience and understanding. Choosing this path is making your world turn. I know that my life would be in roller coaster ride every time I will go to the classroom and stand before my students. So with an open heart, I will always seek for God’s guidance, my family’s support, and the trust to myself. May this journey be full of surprises as we all grow together. 
